Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Much Thanks!

Thank you to all those who Fasted today, Deann and fam appreciate all your efforts.  

Deann is still in the hospital, boo.  But the staff is keeping her fever down, making her feel much better.  They are testing various things that may be causing her fever, but until they know the reason she is trying to rest, stay hydrated and build up strength.  

Thanks for all you care, we will keep you posted.



  1. Thanks so much for keeping us updated Sarah. I really appreciate it. We are keeping your mom and all of you in our prayers. We love you guys.

  2. thanks Sarah - I love all of you. And thanks for keep us posted.

  3. Im glad shes feeling little better. we will continue to keep her and all others in the family in our prayers. thanks for the update. Is she out of isolation?

  4. Hope things keep getting improving. Love you.

  5. Hang in there D. Sarah you rock. Love you guys.

  6. Thinking of your momma Deann and family. Kick that fever in the bum-bum. We love you.
