Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Another Birhday???

Well, Deann had another birthday yesterday and received a new birth certificate to prove it! I know most of us reach an age where we’d just as soon not have any more birthdays, but Deann now has three a year. I think she thinks she can use this as an excuse to pick herself up “a little something” three (more) times a year!

Things went great with the transplant. Deann is given her own stem cells through a blood transfusion. She collected enough stem cells last time for six transplants and did so in just one day of collection...that’s why she’s known as the Clinic Queen. An interesting side effect from the transplant is that the patient smells like corn for about a day afterward. ..pretty corny, eh?

Deann now has a couple more rounds of chemo, tomorrow and Sunday and the waiting begins for her “engraftment”. That’s when her body starts producing blood cells on its own again. Until then, she’s going to be vulnerable to infections and probably not feeling well. She loves to hear your messages of support, so please keep them coming!


  1. Happy Birthday!! I'm so glad to hear that the transplant went well. You sure look are always smiling! You are in our prayers everyday, and I hope you know we all love you guys very much. You are amazing!
    Brijet & Family

  2. Happy Birthday, love all you corny and all.

  3. Thats terrific news Deann, glad the transplant went well. I hope you know how much you effect everyone around you. Your light shines with beauty and strength. Just to see you in the picture with a smile on your face and humor at hand just make me smile from ear to ear. I love how you never let your trials bring you down..rather you find strength and courage in all things and boy does it shine for all to see.
    I know youre in good hands and for that it sure does take the edge off doesnt it. I dont think for a minute that its the cancer thats got you..I think with no doubt its YOU thats got that cancer...and your gonna keep showing it whos boss and thats what I love so much about you. never give up...keep plugging and like I say Dont mind those rain clouds....go out and DANCE in the rain. You go girl. Love ya lots. youre an inspiration to me and all whos in your presence.

  4. Deann, so happy to see your smiling face. this blog wasn't complete without a picture of you! sounds like things have gone well thus far, I expect nothing different in the days here to come. While you were barfing in the bathroom I was letting out some explosive burps in this new home workout program Erik sucked me into. Barfing, burping, hell, farts are just fine too, we're all in this together. Love you and keep keep smiling!!!

  5. Deann you look GREAT! Thank you so much for the Halloween card, you are so thoughtfull! Everything is going great with the house, Etta was out hunting in the snow yesterday! She cracks me up. And Atkins finished your hall closet doors, so you're hallway is officially complete and it looks beautiful! We love you both and you're in our prayers every night!

  6. Well, at least it's harvest time, so smelling corny is just fine. Hmm? Is it candy corn-ish? If so, you better stay clear of trick-or-treaters. :)

    So glad to catch up on the blog. You look great, and I'm glad all is going well.

    Sorry to hear about Grandpa. :( You and your family are in our prayers.

  7. Look at you hot stuff!! Why is Carol your coordinator hiding behind the chair?? Is it the smell of corn? Are you playing nice?? :) You look fabulous - so glad to hear that you are kicking butt! Can't wait to get the next update....

  8. I hope she brought her Wonder Woman wrist warmers to wear on Halloween - I mean on Nevada Day :) Good to hear that she was able to use the stem cells from the first go around. Love to you all.

  9. Your freaking me out with the corn thing. Glad you were able to use those cells and your spirits are high! I look forward to the next post!

  10. Hey, Deann. Sounds like everything is moving along the way its suppose to. That's a good thing. I don't care if you do smell like corn, you look great!! By the way, I love corn. I saw a picture of you with Mazzi from Sarah's facebook. Think maybe it was her bday party. What a cute picture of you both.

    Keep working hard at getting better. You Rock!!!
    I be waiting to hear another update. I love you.

  11. Well corn isn't the worst thing to smell like...

    Love you, stay strong.

    FYI, this is Sarah, not Deann

  12. Your Dr looks so warm and inviting.

